Feature Parity

Differences between the Data Center and Cloud App.

We try to keep the Cloud and Data Center versions of the app as similiar as possible. Currently the App versions have the following feature differences.


Delegated Administration: Normal users can work on customfield options when grated permission by Jira administrator.Data CenterCloud
update customfield option
create customfield option
delete customfield option
disable customfield option
move customfield option via drag and drop
sort customfield options alphabetically
get/set customfield default option


REST API: Custom REST API Endpoints to use to programatically create, update, delete options.Data CenterCloud
List all customfields and contexts REST Endpoints
Work on customfield options in all contexts REST Endpoints

* functionality provided by official Jira Cloud REST API


Permissions: Grant and revoke user and group permissions on custom fields.Data CenterCloud
Grant user permissions on customfields (global and context permissions)
Grant group permissions on customfields (global and context permissions)
Grant permissions via REST API Endpoints

Note: Please also have in mind that the Cloud app has Rate Limits.