Support & Issue Tracker

Support Portal

If you have any questions, report bugs or want to address your feature wishes, please use the codeclou support portal:

You can also just send an email to prcf@pbqrpybh-fhccbeg.ngynffvna.arg. Please be aware of the Privacy Policy Support.

Creating Support Requests

When creating a support request please include as much information as possible. If you need help with an error please provide additional screenshots and XHR request informations that help to understand and reproduce the error, otherwise it is nearly impossible for us to pin point the error. As a minimum of information please always provide the following:

  • Screenshots of the page the error happens on.

  • Screenshots of the error.

  • Browser Developer Tool Screenshots of the GraphQL requests.

  • Scenario: e.g. What were you trying do do? I wanted to create an option and got an error.

Note: You may want to anonymize personal data - herefore you should grey-out sensitive information on your screenshots.

Download production logs

As described in the official logging docs you can access the app logs like so via

Issue Tracker

To view existing Stories have a look at the Issue Tracker

If you want to know what we are working on, have a look at our Roadmap.