Installation Cloud

New here? Learn how to download and install the app and get more general infos like app licensing, app versioning and release strategy.

Download & Installation

Visit the Atlassian Marketplace to download and install the app.

  1. Log into your Jira instance as an admin.

  2. From the top navigation bar in your product, click Settings  and Apps.

  3. Click Find new Apps from the left-hand side of the page.

  4. Locate Customfield Editor for Jira via search.

  5. Click Try it free to download and install the app.

  6. You're all set!

Note: If you are not already a Customfield Editor customer, you will start a free 30 day trial. Be sure to purchase a license before your trial expires.

App licensing

For using the Customfield Editor for Jira purchase a license in the Atlassian Marketplace that fits your Jira Cloud edition.

If your trial is expired or without a valid license you can't use the Customfield Editor for Jira app and it will show messages like in the screenshot below.

Jira Premium Allowlist

In Jira Premium you can define an allowlist and block traffic from non-allowed sources. This will block out forge apps as well, so you need to allow forge ip ranges.

In our app you will see an error similar to this when your allow list blocks our app:

Currently you need to only allow these ranges:

  • 8 Forge IP ranges (as documented in CHANGE-1168):
  • 14 Outgoing IP ranges (as documented in CHANGE-1523 and ip addr):

First go to then browse to the Security tab and click on IP allowlists in the left side navigation. Now simply create an AllowAtlassianForge rule like so with the ip ranges from above:

Note: Per-app IP allow listing is not supported
The IP address range for outgoing connections is shared by all Forge apps. Allowing connections from this IP address range will permit connections from any Forge app.

Please review the outgoing connections section and from time to time, for changes in the ranges. You should parse the JSON for ... "product": [ "forge" ],... and all Outgoing Connection IPs ranges.

Please vote: If this affects you as a customer, please vote for ACCESS-1442 so that Atlassian will implement this by default.

Re-Installing the App

It might be needed that you re-install the app. We have tested the scenario and if you perform it within 30min the app data will not be deleted by performing the re-install. Also your subscription will be resumed once you have re-installed the app.

First click on unsubscribe.

Now confirm with clicking unsubscribe again.

After the unsubscribe is complete you can uninstall the app.

Once it is uninstalled go to Find new Apps and search for Customfield Editor and click Try it free to install the app again.

Confirm the data privacy, terms and permissions by clicking Start free trial.

Lastly you will see that the entitlement number is the same as before the re-install and that your subscription is continued. The app is now re-installed and can be used again.

App versioning & Release strategy

Starting with app version 1.0.0 we use semantic versioning with MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH for a comprehensible versioning scheme:

  • X = major version change
    Only changes when huge changes were made like a complete rewrite of the codebase.

  • X.Y = minor version change
    Indicates new features or compatibility changes to new Jira version.

  • X.Y.Z = patch version change
    Used for small changes like bug fixing but nothing changes regarding compatibility issues.

The release strategy is roll-forward meaning:

  • Bugfixes will not be backported and only included in new releases.

  • Features will not be backported and only included in new releases.