Field Editor
Customfield Editor
The Customfield Editor page lists all Customfields you have access to as a user.
Use the searchbar at the top of the table to filter for customfield ID or name.
The Type column shows the field type of your customfield as an icon.
Every customfield has a unique ID. The ID column shows this customfield ID.
The Fieldname column contains the name and description of your customfield.
The permissions column displays the permission your Jira administrator has granted you:
When you see the
queen icon you have full permission, meaning for this specific customfield you can work on all contexts.
If you see the
pawn icon you have permission for this specific customfield in this specific context.
The contexts column shows a button which leads to a lists of all contexts you have permission for. Every context is displayed with its description, its unique ID and the assigned projects and issues.
Field contexts
Each Customfield can have one or more Contexts. Choose the context you want to edit options for and click the pen icon.
Edit customfield options
The Edit customfield options page is your playground to add new options, edit existing options or delete options. Furthermore you can enable or disable options and change the order by drag and drop.
The basic operations on options (CRUD) are equal for all supported field types:
Add new options by simply write your text in the textbox and click on add (or type enter). Decide to enable or disable the option by clicking the switcher.
Edit existing options by clicking on the option to edit it.
Delete options by clicking on the
trash icon.
Note: Remember before deleting an option that it may be selected in a Jira Issue! A better solution could be to just disable this option to prevent changing values on Issues.
The field type Select List (cascading) represents an exception because each option has additional child options. If you edit the options of a customfield with this field type you can still perform the same actions. The table will just be extended with a child options column.
To edit the child options click on the child icon to open a modal. Here you will see a identical table with the same action possibilities.
Errors are currently displayed in so called flags. You will have to close the error manually, by clicking the small x-button on the top right. This is on intention to make it easier to make screenshots of unexpected errors.
Ordering options
If you want to declare your own order for your cutomfield options, you can do this by simply drag and drop the option values.
Default options
You can now set a default option by clicking on the star-button in the options list.
Once you have set the default option you can show the option by clicking the filled star in the top bar.
You can unset the default option by clicking on the trash button in the show default option drop-down. Or by simply clicking the star button on the default option again.
For the multi select and multi checkboxes custom field you can set multiple default options.
For the cascading select custom field you can set either a 'parent-only' default option or a 'parent+child' default option.
Note that the parent will have the filled star icon in both 'parent-only' and 'parent+child' scenarios. At best check what is defined in the default option view.
To set a 'parent+child' default option simply click the star button in the child option modal.