Release Notes

2020-01-17 Jira Server 7.13.0 - 8.7.x Jira Data Center 7.13.0 - 8.7.x

Release Notes

New Features

  • [CE-86] Jira 8.7 Release Compatibility

Fixed Bugs

  • [CE-84] Field Editor unresponsive with 1000 options, unable to add options/childoptions

  • [CE-85] Fix spring-scanner v2.0 OSGi problems


  • breaking changes:

    • none

Release Summary

For this release we tried to be as fast as possible to fix the bugs while keeping up the quality.

The OSGi bug could cause Jira startup problems under some circumstances. This is solved by reparing the spring-scanner config. The 1000+ options bug led to loading troubles or the Customfield Editor hanging itself up. This is fixed by introducing loading indicators and virtual-lists - which is a ReactJS performance best practice.

With Customfield Editor for Jira 2.5.1 you can easily have more than 1000 options or even child-options. The GUI is now able to support up to 5000 options. The option list will now render in 1-3 seconds. For some actions like deleting, enable/disable options, editing option value or sorting alphabetically you will still experience 3-10 seconds response times from the REST API, but now you will see loading indicators during the time an operation is in progress. In the next releases we will continue to work on increasing the performance for those operations.


Besides that there are a few things on the User Interface that have also changed:

The virtual list renders dynamically only the visible custom field options. Therefore the custom field option list has now a scrollbar and will only show 10 options at a time. At the top and bottom of the scrollbar we introduced the 'high-speed scroll buttons' to navigate with one click to the top or bottom of your custom field option list.

For better orientation on your custom field options we are introducing the new numero column. It will show the position in the list of your custom field option and recalculates itself when you move your custom field options via drag-and-drop.

We changed the approve and decline buttons for the optionvalue and the delete button, due to the virtual list changes. On the delete button the approve button is reversed to avoid accidental deletions.