Customfield Editor for Jira
Extend your Atlassian Jira with the Customfield Editor. The app provides a Rest API and WEB-GUI to edit options of customfields without administrator rights.
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Delegated Administration: Let users handle customfield options. Creation, update, delete, disable, sort ...
Data Center Cloud
Delegated Administration
Empower your Team
Let Jira users and groups manage customfield options. Free your Jira administrators from this burden and save time.
Data Center Cloud
Permission Granularity
Manage Permissions
Grant global field permissions
Grant context permissions
Grant permissions to users
Grant permissions to groups
Security by Design
We take security very serious. That's why there is a security system to manage permissions for customfield access to prevent unauthorised access and risks. Your Jira administrators will always keep the control by granting or revoking access to custom fields with permissions.
Administrators keep the control
Grant permissions explicitly
Permission granularity prevents security vulnerabilities
Privacy by Design
We are from Europe, Germany and respect your data. The app does not collect any personal data. Unlike other app providers, codeclou doesn't have access to the personal data you manage in your customfields. And all data like permissions is securely stored within your Jira Instance.
100% GDPR compliant
No tracking
No processing of personal data
Data Center
full-fledged REST API
Sync your external data like a pro
Use the powerful Customfield Editor REST API to sync your customfield options with your external data from your database or any other source. Up to 50 Endpoints provide unlimited opportunities and the number is continuously increasing. The REST API supports contexts, setting default options, sorting options, add, delete, edit, create options and much more.
REST API Explorer
Simplify the development of your own API client and perform your REST requests directly in the REST API Explorer.
50 Endpoints
The Customfield Editor API provides 50 Endpoints. Developers will love the seamless integration.
Data Center Cloud
Visual Field Editor
Blazing fast editing - No code required
Spend less time to configure your customfield options with the easy-to-use and extended Field Editor. Order options by drag-and-drop, edit in-place, sort options alphabetically, set default options, and more - inside a simple, stylish Editor. Intuitive operation combined with intelligent search functions enables your team members to start right away - no code required. Everyone can only access the customfields and contexts they have permissions for.
Drag and Drop
Sort alphabetically*
Rich search functions
Context support
Set default values
Global permissions
Specific permissions
Add child options
*Data Center only
Data Center Cloud
Supported Fields
it's your choice
Currently we support the following customfield types provided by Jira.
Represents a list of options. Has a single default value.
Represents a list of options. Each option can have childoptions. Has a single compound default value consisting of a parent option and a child option.
Represents a list of options. You can select multiple options. Has multiple options as default value.
Represents a list of options. You can select multiple options. Has multiple options as default value.
Represents a list of options. You can select one single option. Has a single option as default value.
Trusted by companies worldwide
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Get it now
Download the Customfield Editor for Jira from the Atlassian Marketplace and start a 30-day free trial.
Jira Cloud
Jira Data Center
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