Endpoint Documentation
The baseUrl of the REST API might be one of the following URLs on your Jira instance:
You need to use Basic Authentication or Personal Access Tokens for every request to the API.
If you need to implement a client script in a compatible programming language you can download the REST API definition in the OpenAPI v2.0 Swagger format directly from your instance authenticated as admin or from the cloud as static JSON:
Below you see all available REST API Endpoints. To see more details click on the endpoint URI to expand its full documentation.
List all available customfields. Not all of them will be editable with the Customfield Editor Plugin. See User Guide for supported FieldTypes. The fields will be returned with pagination and filtering. The fields are wrapped inside a values: []
array. The following example was performed with these parameters ?startAt=0&maxResults=10&orderBy=fieldName
"maxResults": 10,
"startAt": 0,
"total": 1,
"processingTimeInMs": 48,
"values": [
"fieldId": 10002,
"fieldName": "my super field",
"fieldType": "cascadingselect",
"fieldDescription": "awesome",
"globalPermission": {
"userlist": [
"grouplist": [
"contextPermissions": [
"context": {
"contextId": 10127,
"contextName": "Defaultconfigscheme für singleselectWithContextsGuiTest",
"contextDescription": "Von JIRA generiertes Standardkonfigurationsschema",
"projects": [],
"issueTypes": []
"userlist": [
"grouplist": []
"context": {
"contextId": 10128,
"contextName": "contextForProjectTest",
"contextDescription": "contextForProjectTest",
"projects": [
"projectId": 10000,
"projectKey": "TEST",
"projectName": "test",
"projectDescription": "test"
"issueTypes": []
"userlist": [
"grouplist": []
Pagination is handled the same way as the official JIRA REST API handles it. The startAt parameter indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. The maxResults parameter indicates how many results to return per page. The default is 20. values always contains the items and processingTimeInMs is the time it took to process the request in milliseconds.
"maxResults": 20,
"startAt": 100,
"total": 200,
"processingTimeInMs": 327,
"values": [ ]
Ordering is also handled in a standardized way. With ?orderBy=name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=+name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=-name the order will be descending. Filtering is also handled in a standardized way. With ?filter=foo the result will be filtered on the server for the value. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 3.0.0 - changed: Removed deprecated get all fields without pagination. Changed Authorization to @AdminOnly annotation.
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - changed: added pagination,filtering,ordering to endpoint (while still keeping backwards compatibility, but deprecating old approach)
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
startAt | type: query required: false indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. | integer default: |
maxResults | type: query required: false indicates how many results to return per page. | integer default: |
orderBy | type: query required: false defines by what field should be sorted. | string default: fieldName |
filter | type: query required: false filter results by a string e.g. name of an entity. | string default: |
You can get permissions of the specified customfield. Will return usernames and groupnames that have global permissions.
To get information on the customfield together with permissions set the query-parameter ?expand=field
"userlist": [ "bob" ],
"grouplist": ["jira-administrators"],
"field": {
"fieldId": "10000",
"fieldName": "Browsers",
"fieldType": "singleselect",
"fieldDescription": "A list of all Browsers"
To get information on associated fullnames for userlist set the query-parameter to ?expand=userlistWithFullnames
"userlist": [ "bob" ],
"grouplist": ["jira-administrators"],
"userlistWithFullnames": [
"username": "bob",
"fullname": "Bob Bobbington"
"exists": true
To get information on both associated field and fullnames for userlist set the query-parameter to ?expand=field,userlistWithFullnames
"userlist": [ "bob" ],
"grouplist": ["jira-administrators"],
"userlistWithFullnames": [
"username": "bob",
"fullname": "Bob Bobbington"
"exists": true
"field": {
"fieldId": "10000",
"fieldName": "Browsers",
"fieldType": "singleselect",
"fieldDescription": "A list of all Browsers"
Note that the containers will only show up when the corresponding expand parameter is set.
Also note that if you have a big JIRA Installation with many users, the usage of expand parameter can produce higher loads on the JIRA instance. When the expand parameter is not set the response will look like this:
"userlist": [ "bob" ],
"grouplist": ["jira-administrators"]
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 3.0.0 - changed: Changed Authorization to @AdminOnly annotation.
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - changed: added expand field to expand customfield and full names for userlist
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.3.0 - changed: Internal change so that normal admins can use endpoint too. Before only system administrators could use it.
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
expand | type: query required: false You can specify one or more keys as comma separated list | string default: |
You can submit usernames or groupnames to give global permissions on the specified customfield. Notice: Always provide the full list of usernames and groupnames! You cannot just add a username, what you submit will overwrite the previous values of usernames and groupnames fields. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - changed: Granting permissions for non-existing Groups or Usernames will result in ValidationErrors.
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.3.0 - changed: Internal change so that normal admins can use endpoint too. Before only system administrators could use it.
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false Used to save permissions on a customfield. Userlist and grouplist contain usernames and groupnames. | object
{ "userlist": [ "foo", "bar" ], "grouplist": [ "foo", "bar" ] } | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
You can grant or revoke permission for a single username or a single groupname. You can perform this on global permission and context permission level. Existing permissions will not be changed. That means you can simply add a new permission to existing permissions. If the permission you are trying to grant already exists, no duplicates are created and no error is returned. If the permission you are trying to revoke is already revoked, no error is returned. Example 1: Grant username bob global permission on customfield
"user": "bob",
"action": "GRANT",
"type": "GLOBAL"
Example 2: Grant username bob context permission on customfield and context 123
"user": "bob",
"contextId": 123,
"action": "GRANT",
"type": "CONTEXT"
Example 3: Revoke username bob global permission on customfield
"user": "bob",
"action": "REVOKE",
"type": "GLOBAL"
Example 4: Revoke username bob context permission on customfield and context 123
"user": "bob",
"contextId": 123,
"action": "REVOKE",
"type": "CONTEXT"
Example 5: Grant groupname team-awesome global permission on customfield
"group": "team-awesome",
"action": "GRANT",
"type": "GLOBAL"
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false PatchCustomFieldPermissionModel is used to grant or revoke single customfield permissions. | object
{ "user": "foo", "group": "foo", "action": "foo", "type": "foo", "contextId": 0 } | ||||||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
You can get all contexts of a customfield.
To get information on associated projects set the query-parameter ?expand=projects
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar",
"isAllIssueTypes": false,
"isAllProjects": true,
"isGlobal": true,
"issueTypes": [
"issueTypeId": "10000",
"issueTypeName": "Bug",
"issueTypeDescription": "Bug issue type",
"issueTypeIsSubTask": false
To get information on associated issue types set the query-parameter to ?expand=issueTypes
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar",
"isAllIssueTypes": true,
"isAllProjects": false,
"isGlobal": false,
"projects": [
"projectId": 10000,
"projectKey": "TEST",
"projectName": "test",
"projectDescription": "test"
To get information on both associated projects and issue types set the query-parameter to ?expand=projects,issueTypes
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar",
"isAllIssueTypes": false,
"isAllProjects": false,
"isGlobal": false,
"issueTypes": [
"issueTypeId": "10000",
"issueTypeName": "Bug",
"issueTypeDescription": "Bug issue type",
"issueTypeIsSubTask": false
"projects": [
"projectId": 10000,
"projectKey": "TEST",
"projectName": "test",
"projectDescription": "test"
Note that the containers will only show up when the corresponding expand parameter is set.
Also note that if you have a big JIRA Installation with many customFields, projects and issueTypes the usage of expand parameter can produce high loads on the JIRA instance. When the expand parameter is not set the response will look like this:
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar"
"isAllIssueTypes": true,
"isAllProjects": true,
"isGlobal": true,
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.10.0 - changed: Added boolean properties isAllIssueTypes, isAllProjects, isGlobal [CE-109].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.5.0 - changed: Added the expand Query-Parameter for projects and issueTypes [CE-31].
- 1.3.0 - changed: Internal change so that normal admins can use endpoint too. Before only system administrators could use it.
- 1.2.1 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
expand | type: query required: false You can specify one or more keys as comma separated list | string default: |
You can create a context of a customfield.
Example 1: Create a context for certain project and issue type: (note that issueTypeIds are strings!)
"contextName": "foobar",
"contextDescription": "foobar 123",
"isGlobal": false,
"projectIds": [ 10102 ],
"issueTypeIds": [ "10000" ]
Example 2: Create a global context for a certain issue type: (note that issueTypeIds are strings!)
"contextName": "foobar",
"contextDescription": "foobar 123",
"isGlobal": true,
"projectIds": [ ],
"issueTypeIds": [ "10000" ]
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.10.0 - introduced: Creation of customfield contexts [CE-109].
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false Used to create or update a customfield context. | object
{ "contextName": "foo", "isGlobal": false, "contextDescription": "foo", "projectIds": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "issueTypeIds": [ "foo", "bar" ] } | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
You can update a context of a customfield.
Example: Update a context for certain project and issue type: (note that issueTypeIds are strings!)
"contextName": "foobar",
"contextDescription": "foobar 123",
"isGlobal": false,
"projectIds": [ 10102 ],
"issueTypeIds": [ "10000" ]
Note that you need to set all values, this endpoint overwrites existing context settings. If you for example only want to update the contextName you have to also sent all the properties meaning projectIds, issueTypeIds, isGlobal and contextDescription as well. If you want to remove a project from a context simply delete the id from the projectIds array. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.10.0 - introduced: Creation of customfield contexts [CE-109].
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false Used to create or update a customfield context. | object
{ "contextName": "foo", "isGlobal": false, "contextDescription": "foo", "projectIds": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "issueTypeIds": [ "foo", "bar" ] } | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 6789 |
You can delete a specific context of a customfield. WARNING: All the options of that context will be lost and cannot be recovered!
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.10.0 - introduced: Creation of customfield contexts [CE-109].
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 6789 |
You can get context permissions of the specified customfield. It will return usernames and groupnames for every context. Notice: If a user has global permissions on a field all context permissions will be overruled.
To get information on associated fullnames for userlist set the query-parameter to ?expand=userlistWithFullnames
"contextId": 10007
"userlist": [ "bob" ],
"grouplist": ["jira-administrators"]
"userlistWithFullnames": [
"username": "bob",
"fullname": "Bob Bobbington"
"exists": true
If the user does not exist anymore then exists=false
will be set. This should usually not happen since we listen on UserDeleted events and cleanup permissions automatically. Note that the containers will only show up when the corresponding expand parameter is set.
Also note that if you have a big JIRA Installation with many users, the usage of expand parameter can produce higher loads on the JIRA instance. When the expand parameter is not set the response will look like this:
"contextId": 10007
"userlist": [ "bob" ],
"grouplist": ["jira-administrators"]
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - changed: added expand field to expand customfield and full names for userlist
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.3.0 - changed: Internal change so that normal admins can use endpoint too. Before only system administrators could use it.
- 1.2.1 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
expand | type: query required: false You can specify one or more keys as comma separated list | string default: |
You can submit usernames or groupnames to give permissions on the specified customfield contexts. Notice: If a user has global permissions on a field all context specific permissions will be overruled. Notice: Always provide the full list with permissions for all contexts otherwise permissions might get overwritten! You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - changed: Granting permissions for non-existing Groups or Usernames will result in ValidationErrors.
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.3.0 - changed: Internal change so that normal admins can use endpoint too. Before only system administrators could use it.
- 1.2.1 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false Used to save permissions on customfield contexts.Userlist and grouplist contain usernames and groupnames. | array of object
[ { "contextId": 0, "userlist": [ "foo", "bar" ], "grouplist": [ "foo", "bar" ] } ] | ||||||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
List all customfields accessible by the authenticated user. Administrator needs to grant the user permissions on customfields via admin-endpoints first. If the user has no permissions on any customfield the list will be empty. Even jira-administrators need explicit customfield permissions for the user-endpoints. The result will be returned with pagination and filtering, which will return fields wrapped inside a values: []
array. The following example was performed with these parameters ?startAt=0&maxResults=10&orderBy=fieldName
"maxResults": 10,
"startAt": 0,
"total": 1,
"processingTimeInMs": 48,
"values": [
"fieldId": 10002,
"fieldName": "my super field",
"fieldType": "cascadingselect",
"fieldDescription": "awesome",
"fieldGlobalPermission": true,
"contexts": [
"contextId": 10127,
"contextName": "Defaultconfigscheme für singleselectWithContextsGuiTest",
"contextDescription": "Von JIRA generiertes Standardkonfigurationsschema",
"projects": [],
"issueTypes": []
"contextId": 10128,
"contextName": "contextForProjectTest",
"contextDescription": "contextForProjectTest",
"projects": [
"projectId": 10000,
"projectKey": "TEST",
"projectName": "test",
"projectDescription": "test"
"issueTypes": []
Pagination is handled the same way as the official JIRA REST API handles it. The startAt parameter indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. The maxResults parameter indicates how many results to return per page. The default is 20. values always contains the items and processingTimeInMs is the time it took to process the request in milliseconds.
"maxResults": 20,
"startAt": 100,
"total": 200,
"processingTimeInMs": 327,
"values": [ ]
Ordering is also handled in a standardized way. With ?orderBy=name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=+name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=-name the order will be descending. Filtering is also handled in a standardized way. With ?filter=foo the result will be filtered on the server for the value.
Version History
- 3.0.0 - changed: Removed non-paginated results.
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.0.0 - changed: added pagination,filtering,ordering to endpoint (while still keeping backwards compatibility, but deprecating old approach)
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
startAt | type: query required: false indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. | integer default: |
maxResults | type: query required: false indicates how many results to return per page. | integer default: |
orderBy | type: query required: false defines by what field should be sorted. | string default: fieldName |
filter | type: query required: false filter results by a string e.g. name of an entity. | string default: |
List all contexts and other information for a specific customfield. The user will only get the contexts he has permissions for.
To get information on associated projects set the query-parameter ?expand=projects
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar",
"isAllIssueTypes": false,
"isAllProjects": true,
"isGlobal": true,
"issueTypes": [
"issueTypeId": "10000",
"issueTypeName": "Bug",
"issueTypeDescription": "Bug issue type",
"issueTypeIsSubTask": false
To get information on associated issue types set the query-parameter to ?expand=issueTypes
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar",
"isAllIssueTypes": true,
"isAllProjects": false,
"isGlobal": false,
"projects": [
"projectId": 10000,
"projectKey": "TEST",
"projectName": "test",
"projectDescription": "test"
To get information on both associated projects and issue types set the query-parameter to ?expand=projects,issueTypes
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar",
"isAllIssueTypes": false,
"isAllProjects": false,
"isGlobal": false,
"issueTypes": [
"issueTypeId": "10000",
"issueTypeName": "Bug",
"issueTypeDescription": "Bug issue type",
"issueTypeIsSubTask": false
"projects": [
"projectId": 10000,
"projectKey": "TEST",
"projectName": "test",
"projectDescription": "test"
Note that the containers will only show up when the corresponding expand parameter is set.
Also note that if you have a big JIRA Installation with many customFields, projects and issueTypes the usage of expand parameter can produce high loads on the JIRA instance. When the expand parameter is not set the response will look like this:
"contextId": 123,
"contextName": "foo",
"contextDescription": "bar"
"isAllIssueTypes": true,
"isAllProjects": true,
"isGlobal": true,
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.5.0 - changed: Added the expand Query-Parameter for projects and issueTypes [CE-31].
- 1.2.1 - changed: The contexts returned are filtered by context permissions now. If there are no context permissions set, you will still see all contexts.
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
expand | type: query required: false You can specify one or more keys as comma separated list | string default: |
Get one context of customfield accessible by the authenticated user. Administrator needs to grant the user permissions on customfields via admin-endpoints first. If the user has no permissions an error will be returned. Even jira-administrators need explicit customfield permissions for the user-endpoints.
You will get info on the field, context and default option. The defaultOption
varies depending on the fieldType, have a look at the GET defaultoption endpoint for more details.
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added authenticatedUserMeta.userAllowedToDeleteOptions Boolean
- 2.0.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 10001 |
List all options of a customfield for the default context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldoptions/{customFieldId}; childOptions is no longer returned; Use special childOptions Endpoint instead.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true customFieldId of the customField | integer default: 12345 |
Creates a new option for the customfield in the default context. When creating a new option use the following JSON and do not set sequence and id since they are auto-generated on create.
"optionvalue": "my option value"
Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldoption/{customFieldId}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema mostly unchanged; childOptions removed; sequence is ignored - new options are always placed at the end of the list.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
Updates the properties of an existing option for the customfield in default context. When updating the value of an existing option try to use the following JSON:
"optionvalue": "my option value"
When you want to disable an existing option use this JSON:
"disabled": true
You should not tamper with sequence, because that can mess up the internal order of all options. If you made some mistakes with sequence then simply use the /sort
endpoint. This will repair the internal sequence. Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldoption/{customFieldId}/{optionId}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema mostly unchanged; childOptions removed.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
Deletes an option of the customfield by its id in default context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added HTTP 403 when global setting 'only administrators can delete options' is active
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldoption/{customFieldId}/{optionId}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 |
Change order for existing option of customfield in default context. Example: You have four options with IDs 10, 20, 30 and 40 which exist in exactly this order
If you now want to place option with ID 20 between 30 and 40, then you need to send:
- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/default/options/20/move
- Request-Body:
{ "after": "30" }
- Request-URL:
There is only one special case for moving an option to the start of the list.
If you want to move option with ID 40 at the start you need to send:- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/default/options/40/move
- Request-Body:
{ "position": "First" }
- Request-URL:
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldoption/{customFieldId}/{optionId}/move; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||
body | type: body required: true RestfulTableMoveModel is used for drag-and-drop sorting options using the AUI Restfultable. It is advised to not use it. Use the SORT Endpoint instead or you might break the internal order sequence. | object
{ "after": "foo", "position": "foo" } |
Get the default value for the customfield in default context. The default option is different depending on the field type. For type singleSelect and radioButtons the default value consists of a single option. JSON:
"defaultOption": {
"optionvalue": "foo",
"id": 10301,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
For type cascadingSelect the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. JSON:
"defaultOption": {
"optionvalue": "foo",
"id": 10200,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
"defaultChildOption": {
"optionvalue": "bar",
"id": 10201,
"sequence": 1,
"disabled": false
For type multiSelect and multiCheckboxes the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. JSON:
"defaultOptions": [
"optionvalue": "foobar",
"id": 10400,
"sequence": 1,
"disabled": false
"optionvalue": "barfoo",
"id": 10401,
"sequence": 2,
"disabled": false
For type multi-level-cascading-select (Marketplace App) the default value consists of a list of options in form of a parent/child chain. JSON:
"defaultOptions": [
"optionvalue": "I am a root parent option",
"id": 10100,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
"optionvalue": "I am child option of root parent 10100",
"id": 10110,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
"optionvalue": "I am child option of child option 10110",
"id": 10111,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
If no default value is set the response body is JSON:
{ }
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
Set the default value for the customfield in default context. The default option is different depending on the field type. For type singleSelect and radioButtons the default value consists of a single option. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionId": 123
For type cascadingSelect the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionId": 123,
"childOptionId": 567
For type multiSelect and multiCheckboxes the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionIds": [ 12, 34 ]
For type multi-level-cascading-select (Marketplace App) the default value consists of a list of optionIds. It must start with a root-parentOption. Then every childOption has to be the child of the previous option. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionIds": [ 12, 34, 567 ]
Example explanation: 12 is the root-parentOption, 34 is the child of 12, and 567 is the child of 34. App license notice: If you do not have a valid license for the multi-level-cascading-select marketplace app installed, then setting the default option will not work (readonly).
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: true Model used to set the default value of a customfield. The default value differs by fieldType.
| object
{ "optionId": 0, "childOptionId": 0, "optionIds": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } |
Delete the default value for the customfield in default context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added HTTP 403 when global setting 'only administrators can delete options' is active
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
Sorts the options alphabetically for the customfield in default context depending on the specified locale. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | ||||||||||||
body | type: body required: true SortModel specifies in which way to sort the options of a customfield.You can sort ascending or descending. The sorting will be locale dependant, so you need to specify a locale like en-US. You can specify an optional collator strength. | object
{ "locale": "foo", "strength": "foo", "order": "foo" } |
List all options of a customfield for specific context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true customFieldId of the customField | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 |
Creates a new option for the customfield in a specific context. When creating a new option use the following JSON and do not set sequence and id since they are auto-generated on create.
"optionvalue": "my option value"
Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
Updates the properties of an existing option for the customfield in a specific context. When updating the value of an existing option try to use the following JSON:
"optionvalue": "my option value"
When you want to disable an existing option use this JSON:
"disabled": true
You should not tamper with sequence, because that can mess up the internal order of all options. If you made some mistakes with sequence then simply use the /sort
endpoint. This will repair the internal sequence. Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 | |||||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
Deletes an option of the customfield by its id in specific context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added HTTP 403 when global setting 'only administrators can delete options' is active
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 |
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 |
Change order for existing option of customfield in specific context. Example: You have four options with IDs 10, 20, 30 and 40 which exist in exactly this order
If you now want to place option with ID 20 between 30 and 40, then you need to send:
- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/{contextId}/options/20/move
- Request-Body:
{ "after": "30" }
- Request-URL:
There is only one special case for moving an option to the start of the list.
If you want to move option with ID 40 at the start you need to send:- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/{contextId}/options/40/move
- Request-Body:
{ "position": "First" }
- Request-URL:
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 | |||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||
body | type: body required: true RestfulTableMoveModel is used for drag-and-drop sorting options using the AUI Restfultable. It is advised to not use it. Use the SORT Endpoint instead or you might break the internal order sequence. | object
{ "after": "foo", "position": "foo" } |
Get the default value for the customfield in specific context. The default option is different depending on the field type. For type singleSelect and radioButtons the default value consists of a single option. JSON:
"defaultOption": {
"optionvalue": "foo",
"id": 10301,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
For type cascadingSelect the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. JSON:
"defaultOption": {
"optionvalue": "foo",
"id": 10200,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
"defaultChildOption": {
"optionvalue": "bar",
"id": 10201,
"sequence": 1,
"disabled": false
For type multiSelect and multiCheckboxes the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. JSON:
"defaultOptions": [
"optionvalue": "foobar",
"id": 10400,
"sequence": 1,
"disabled": false
"optionvalue": "barfoo",
"id": 10401,
"sequence": 2,
"disabled": false
For type multi-level-cascading-select (Marketplace App) the default value consists of a list of options in form of a parent/child chain. JSON:
"defaultOptions": [
"optionvalue": "I am a root parent option",
"id": 10100,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
"optionvalue": "I am child option of root parent 10100",
"id": 10110,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
"optionvalue": "I am child option of child option 10110",
"id": 10111,
"sequence": 0,
"disabled": false
If no default value is set the response body is JSON:
{ }
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 |
Set the default value for the customfield in specific context. The default option is different depending on the field type. For type singleSelect and radioButtons the default value consists of a single option. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionId": 123
For type cascadingSelect the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionId": 123,
"childOptionId": 567
For type multiSelect and multiCheckboxes the default value consists of a parentOption and a childOption. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionIds": [ 12, 34 ]
For type multi-level-cascading-select (Marketplace App) the default value consists of a list of optionIds. It must start with a root-parentOption. Then every childOption has to be the child of the previous option. To set the default value use JSON:
"optionIds": [ 12, 34, 567 ]
Example explanation: 12 is the root-parentOption, 34 is the child of 12, and 567 is the child of 34. App license notice: If you do not have a valid license for the multi-level-cascading-select marketplace app installed, then setting the default option will not work (readonly).
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: true Model used to set the default value of a customfield. The default value differs by fieldType.
| object
{ "optionId": 0, "childOptionId": 0, "optionIds": [ 1, 2, 3 ] } |
Delete the default value for the customfield in specific context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added HTTP 403 when global setting 'only administrators can delete options' is active
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 |
Sorts the options alphabetically for the customfield in specific context depending on the specified locale. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | ||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 | ||||||||||||
body | type: body required: true SortModel specifies in which way to sort the options of a customfield.You can sort ascending or descending. The sorting will be locale dependant, so you need to specify a locale like en-US. You can specify an optional collator strength. | object
{ "locale": "foo", "strength": "foo", "order": "foo" } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Lists child-options of parent-option for default context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldchildoptions/{customfieldid}/{parentoptionid}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Creates a new child-option of a parent-option for the customfield in default context. When creating a new option use the following JSON and do not set sequence and id since they are auto-generated on create.
"optionvalue": "my option value"
Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldchildoption/{customfieldid}/{parentoptionid}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Updates the value of an existing child-option of a parent-option for the customfield in default context. When updating the value of an existing option try to use the following JSON:
"optionvalue": "my option value"
When you want to disable an existing option use this JSON:
"disabled": true
You should not tamper with sequence, because that can mess up the internal order of all options. If you made some mistakes with sequence then simply use the /sort
endpoint. This will repair the internal sequence. Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldchildoption/{customfieldid}/{parentoptionid}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||||||||
childOptionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Deletes a child-option of a parent-option of the customfield by its id in default context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added HTTP 403 when global setting 'only administrators can delete options' is active
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldchildoption/{customfieldid}/{parentoptionid}; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 |
childOptionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Change order for existing child-option of parent-option of customfield in default context. Example: You have four options with IDs 10, 20, 30 and 40 which exist in exactly this order
If you now want to place option with ID 20 between 30 and 40, then you need to send:
- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/default/options/{parentOptionId}/childoptions/20/move
- Request-Body:
{ "after": "30" }
- Request-URL:
There is only one special case for moving an option to the start of the list.
If you want to move option with ID 40 at the start you need to send:- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/default/options/{parentOptionId}/childoptions/40/move
- Request-Body:
{ "position": "First" }
- Request-URL:
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - changed: URL changed from /customfieldchildoption/{customfieldid}/{parentoptionid}/move; Request and Response Parameters/Schema unchanged.
- 1.1.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||
childOptionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||
body | type: body required: true RestfulTableMoveModel is used for drag-and-drop sorting options using the AUI Restfultable. It is advised to not use it. Use the SORT Endpoint instead or you might break the internal order sequence. | object
{ "after": "foo", "position": "foo" } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Sorts the child-options of a parent-option for the customfield in default context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | ||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | ||||||||||||
body | type: body required: true SortModel specifies in which way to sort the options of a customfield.You can sort ascending or descending. The sorting will be locale dependant, so you need to specify a locale like en-US. You can specify an optional collator strength. | object
{ "locale": "foo", "strength": "foo", "order": "foo" } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Lists child-options of parent-option for specific context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 |
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Creates a new child-option of a parent-option for the customfield in specific context. When creating a new option use the following JSON and do not set sequence and id since they are auto-generated on create.
"optionvalue": "my option value"
Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Updates the value of an existing child-option of a parent-option for the customfield. When updating the value of an existing option try to use the following JSON:
"optionvalue": "my option value"
When you want to disable an existing option use this JSON:
"disabled": true
You should not tamper with sequence, because that can mess up the internal order of all options. If you made some mistakes with sequence then simply use the /sort
endpoint. This will repair the internal sequence. Option values must be unique. If you send an option with a value that already exists you will recieve an HTTP 400 Validation Error.
"statusCode": 400,
"subCode": 400000,
"message": "validation errors",
"errors": [
"name": "optionvalue",
"message": "This option value does already exist. Option values need to be unique."
"name": "existingOptionId",
"message": "The id of the existing option with the same value.",
"value": 1234
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.8.0 - changed: Added Validation Error that contains existingOptionId on duplicate value [CE-102].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||||||||
childOptionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||||||||
body | type: body required: false CustomFieldOptionModel represents all properties of an option.The id, value, order (sequence) and disabled/enabled state. | object
{ "optionvalue": "foo", "id": 0, "sequence": 0, "disabled": false } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Deletes a child-option of a parent-option of the customfield by its id in specific context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 2.4.0 - changed: added HTTP 403 when global setting 'only administrators can delete options' is active
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 |
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 |
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 |
childOptionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Change order for existing child-option of parent-option of customfield in specific context. Example: You have four options with IDs 10, 20, 30 and 40 which exist in exactly this order
If you now want to place option with ID 20 between 30 and 40, then you need to send:
- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/{contextId}/options/{parentOptionId}/childoptions/20/move
- Request-Body:
{ "after": "30" }
- Request-URL:
There is only one special case for moving an option to the start of the list.
If you want to move option with ID 40 at the start you need to send:- Request-URL:
POST /user/customfields/123/contexts/{contextId}/options/{parentOptionId}/childoptions/40/move
- Request-Body:
{ "position": "First" }
- Request-URL:
Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | |||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | |||||||||
childOptionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 334 | |||||||||
body | type: body required: true RestfulTableMoveModel is used for drag-and-drop sorting options using the AUI Restfultable. It is advised to not use it. Use the SORT Endpoint instead or you might break the internal order sequence. | object
{ "after": "foo", "position": "foo" } |
This feature is only available for the customfields with type Cascading Select.
Sorts the child-options of a parent-option for the customfield in specific context. Note that the user needs permissions granted by an administrator via admin-endpoints first in order to not get a 'permission denied' error via HTTP 403:
"statusCode": 403,
"subCode": 403001,
"message": "FieldPermission Denied - you do not have sufficient rights for this operation."
Version History
- 2.11.0 - changed: Added support for multi-level-cascading-select field type [CE-113].
- 1.8.0 - changed: Better error handling with HTTP 400 Validation Errors [CE-56].
- 1.2.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||||||||
customFieldId | type: path required: true | integer default: 12345 | ||||||||||||
contextId | type: path required: true | integer default: 678 | ||||||||||||
optionId | type: path required: true | integer default: 123 | ||||||||||||
body | type: body required: true SortModel specifies in which way to sort the options of a customfield.You can sort ascending or descending. The sorting will be locale dependant, so you need to specify a locale like en-US. You can specify an optional collator strength. | object
{ "locale": "foo", "strength": "foo", "order": "foo" } |
List all jobs. An example of an job entry looks like this:
"name": "JobIndexCustomFieldSearchTable",
"status": "FINISHED",
"scheduledTime": "2019-01-03T20:44:29+0000",
"finishedTime": "2019-01-03T20:54:29+0000"
- scheduledTime and finishedTime is in format
YYYY-MM-dd T HH:mm:ss+Z
or null; It is a UTC date with offset +0000. - status is either SCHEDULED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, FAILED.
Pagination is handled the same way as the official JIRA REST API handles it. The startAt parameter indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. The maxResults parameter indicates how many results to return per page. The default is 20. values always contains the items and processingTimeInMs is the time it took to process the request in milliseconds.
"maxResults": 20,
"startAt": 100,
"total": 200,
"processingTimeInMs": 327,
"values": [ ]
Ordering is also handled in a standardized way. With ?orderBy=name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=+name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=-name the order will be descending. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.0.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
startAt | type: query required: false indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. | integer default: |
maxResults | type: query required: false indicates how many results to return per page. | integer default: |
orderBy | type: query required: false defines by what field should be sorted. | string default: +name |
filter | type: query required: false filter results by a string e.g. name of an entity. | string default: |
Execute a maintenance operation. To execute an maintenance operation send the operatioName like so:
"name": "JobIndexCustomFieldSearchTable"
Scheduling a Job You can schedule a job by sending the jobName as operationName. Job scheduling will silently be ignored if the job is currently running. Jobs will always run on one JIRA Instance at a time (Data Center Compatible). No concurrent Job runs of the same job possible. Schedulable jobs are: JobIndexCustomFieldSearchTable
recreate the database table for searching custom fields. (is automatically run once app is enabled)
run all data migration tasks. (is automatically run once app is enabled)
- cleans up permissions for customfields that have been deleted but still got entries in permission table. (is automatically run once app is enabled)
Execute Maintenance Action The actions should only be performed if something is not working and if it is really necessary. Possible Maintenance Actions are: MaintenanceActionForceFailRunningAndScheduledJobs
- If Jobs remain on SCHEDULED or RUNNING forever you can set the status of these jobs to FAILED in the database. That does not stop running Jobs that are in some kind of deadlock, you should at some point restart JIRA to do so. Once these jobs are set to FAILED you can manually reschedule them for execution. Do this only if you really have waited more than one day. Ask the vendor if in your case you really should perform this action.
- Delete Event Log entries older than one month. Deleted entries cannot be restored.
- Delete ALL Event Log entries. Deleted entries cannot be restored.
- If the Data Migration Tasks display as FAILED forever then you can clear all Migration Task information and then the job 'JobRunDataMigrationTasks' can be manually scheduled for execution. Usually Migration Tasks are idempotent and can be executed multiple times even though that should be avoided. They are designed to not overwrite existing data. Ask the vendor if in your case you really should perform this action.
- (prior to version 2.0.0 the URL to perform the action was HTTP GET /admin/migrationtasks/clearhistory)
and MaintenanceActionDecreaseVerbosityForTesting
- Increase and decrease the verbosity on the EventLog needed during Integration tests.
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.15.0 - added JobCleanupPermissions
- 2.0.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | ||||||
body | type: body required: false Specify the operation to be executed | object
{ "name": "foo" } |
These Tasks run automatically after a plugin install/update. Should the tasks for some reason not have been executed automatically you will see them here with status other than SUCCESS and can trigger them manually via maintenance operations. Since v2.0.0 of the plugin you can re-trigger MigrationTask runs on the Settings Page via a Button. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.0.0 - changed URL from /admin/migrationtasks to /maintenance/migration_tasks.
- 1.3.0 - changed so that admins and sysadmins can use it.
- 1.2.1 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
List all event log entries. An example of an event log entry looks like this:
"name": "CustomFieldCreatedEvent",
"details": "ID customfield_10107",
"dateTime": "2019-01-03T20:44:29+0000",
"hash": "b323674a11b0f287fe81b1633be9dbb9d6dda6056065209521431eea8a441a7a"
- dateTime is in format
YYYY-MM-dd T HH:mm:ss+Z
; It is a UTC date with offset +0000.
Pagination is handled the same way as the official JIRA REST API handles it. The startAt parameter indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. The maxResults parameter indicates how many results to return per page. The default is 20. values always contains the items and processingTimeInMs is the time it took to process the request in milliseconds.
"maxResults": 20,
"startAt": 100,
"total": 200,
"processingTimeInMs": 327,
"values": [ ]
Ordering is also handled in a standardized way. With ?orderBy=name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=+name the order will be ascending. With ?orderBy=-name the order will be descending. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.0.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
startAt | type: query required: false indicates which item should be used as the first item in the page of results. | integer default: |
maxResults | type: query required: false indicates how many results to return per page. | integer default: |
orderBy | type: query required: false defines by what field should be sorted. | string default: -dateTime |
filter | type: query required: false filter results by a string e.g. name of an entity. | string default: |
List data storage status. You will see all Database Tables of the app with their count of rows. You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.0.0 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
Get the event-log auto-truncate schedule for when the event-log should be truncated automatically.
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.5.4 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type |
Set the event-log auto-truncate schedule for when the event-log should be truncated automatically. Send a cronjob-expression like so to activate the job to run every hour:
"active": true,
"cronExpression": "0 0 * ? * *"
Or send this to deactivate the job:
"active": false
You need to be administrator or system administrator to use this endpoint.
Version History
- 2.5.4 - introduced
Parameter | Description | Data Type | |||||||||
body | type: body required: false used to event-log auto-truncate schedule and activate/deactivate the job | object
{ "active": false, "cronExpression": "foo" } |